Grace Samson, welcome to the World Film Festival in Cannes! Congrats on your nomination as “Best Narrative Short Film” and “Best Inspirational Film”. Can we pick your brain?! What makes an inspirational film, in your view?
An inspirational film is a film that speaks truthfully to a subject that even one person can connect to.
Why did you choose this format in particular, and did this impact funding for your film in any way?
I like doing films on my terms and I wanted to tell a story without modifications.
Grace, you said, “The hardest thing about being a writer is sitting at the desk… I’m glad to see this one made it from the desk to the screen!” Do you care to comment? How damaging can writer’s block become?
I think we are the ones that hold ourselves back because we care so much how our writing will come off to an audience.
The birthday cake moment, in particular, is striking. Tell us how you came across this idea and set it up to suggest that ageing can be considered an intruder.
The birthday cake moment is a moment that can connect subtly to many different audiences in many ways. It is a representation of loss at the hand of the person who is blowing out the candle. I like to write non soap box moments where an audience can come to something in their own way and their own interpretation of the subject.
In the life of Nick and his partner, the same vacation gets canceled every year. Or every year, the couple we see one member of on-screen “choose” not to go because the place is not cat-friendly and husband Nick needs the cat for support.
That moment really reflects the couple using the cat as an excuse to not see that they are unable to have a child and the complications of trying to have one.
We quickly find out that the birthday cake is a reference to what would have been the third birthday of a child who was lost and that there is a trauma buried deep down. In the end scene, the waiter asks, “Is there anything else you want?” The analogy of not having what you wish for in life, i.e., becoming a mother, is almost unbearable for the childless soul. Her eyes were well with tears. Mums can only empathise…
This moment reflects the idea that a woman of a certain age is expected to be in a certain place on her life. I can only hope that women see this and find empathy for the pressure of being a mother and when you should have a child.
We find out that Nick and his wife have been spending all their money on in-vitro procedures for two years, to no avail. This means there’s no money to go on a trip, forget it all, and live their lives. Is there too much pressure on young couples to have children in the 21st century? Is this due to fertility rates going down?
There is so much pressure on young couples to be at a certain place their lives. The funny part is that the people who are fitting the cookie cutter mold are probably doing it based on help from their parents. I can’t tell you how much the expectations do not reflect the current economy and new way of thinking. It is my hope women can see this film and feel a friend saying, “you’re okay, just where you are.”
Tell us about any upcoming movie plans you have?
I plan to write a woman’s story that is a Christmas comedy on consumerism next.
Briefly describe your vision of post-covid cinema. Do you think there will be any notable changes?
We are so glad that post covid cinema has brough the freedom to go back to the theaters. There is something that is important about storytelling on the screen in a theater setting. We believe more and more people who love cinema can attest to this and want to share the experience like we do with our film, “Cats & Husbands.” We are also really aware now of the ability of filmmakers to come together and make a story happen while working “face to face” and we can now be creative collaborators with new insights and bring the perspective for authentic women’s stories back to life on the screen.
Grace Samson – Writer-Director and Barry Samson – Co-Director
Grace Samson – Writer-Director Grace graduated with honors from NYU in Film and Television. She is a screenwriter and novelist focusing on Comedy, Dramedy Animation and Fantasy projects. Grace’s debut film, “Cats and Husbands” has always been one of her pet projects… all puns intended! Grace says, “The hardest thing about being a writer is sitting at the desk… I’m glad to see this one made it from the desk to the screen!”
Barry Samson – Co-Director After multiple campaigns as a trailer producer and hundreds of recording sessions as a voice over director, Barry throws himself into The world of live action directing with “Cats and Husbands.” He enthusiastically states, “Advertising a movie is great, but directing a movie is a whole ‘nother level of excitement! Being able to do it with your family… well, it just doesn’t get any better.”
©2024 Isabelle Rouault-Röhlich