“Land of the Free: In the shadows” is a groundbreaking documentary containing never-before-seen nefarious and subversive facts, blowing the lid off secrets behind the big business of LEGALLY killing endangered species for pride, pleasure and profit.
It contains attributable contributions filmed around the world including Sir Roger Gale MP (UK), Tippi Hedren (Los Angeles), Priscilla Presley (Los Angeles) Queen Elizabeth II (House of Lords, London) 2019 Albert Schweitzer Award winner John Thompson (Washington DC) , former NCA covert operative Reg Dickason (Brisbane Australia) , John Mitchell-Adams of Destinations Africa (Sydney Australia) Derek Joubert (South Africa) and the unsung hero of the piece who saved thousands of animals on the front lines in Africa, Meryl Harrison (Zimbabwe), as well as both stunning and shocking overt and covert footage. The piece is narrated by Stargate’s Cliff Simon (who passed in a sudden tragic accident shortly after filming the narration).